Eco Initiatives - Kaitiakitanga

Click here to read the Taupo DeBretts Environmental Policy
The whole site of the Taupo DeBretts Spa Resort lends itself to providing a unique New Zealand experience and these environmental initiatives - and those that will be introduced as part of an on-going enhancement process - are now firmly entrenched in our company's operating psyche.
We have a geothermal valley which is very special in terms of its people, its environment and its location. It is a very natural place and we are treating it with the environmental protection it deserves. We are taking a multi-tentacle approach to everything we do here because, like nature itself, everything is inter-related.
Taupo DeBretts' eco initiative that committing ourselves to protect and improve the local environment as well as to guide visitors and partner business to act together, coincides with the New Zealand’s Tiaki Promise published in October 2018.
Tiaki means to care for people and place. The Tiaki Promise is a commitment to care for New Zealand, for now and for future generations.
Taupo DeBretts recognises its environmental responsibility and since last year the term Kaitiakitanga had been introduced into its environmental file to endorse a healthy culture so that the natural resources are managed accurately.
Kaitiakitanga means guardianship and protection. For Taupo DeBretts, it is a way of managing the environment, also a declaration that it will act in a guardian point of view.
In the meantime, Manaakitanga has also been introduced, meaning the process of showing respect, generosity and care for others. Taupo DeBretts insists the importance of everyone who works in and visits its premise contributing to manaakitanga by continuing to being committed to protecting and preserving the unique aspects of our stunning natural and cultural environment here at Taupo DeBretts.
Taupo DeBretts Spa Resort acknowledges the crucial relationship between generations of the future and the environment. It is significant that we move forward and have ongoing initiatives towards a sustainable environmental management business model.
Taupo DeBretts is on board with the newly formed partnership between HAPNZ and the Predator Free New Zealand Trust.
We have deployed 8 double ended DOC traps for mid-sized predators such as rats and stoats. We have also installed over 50 self-loading bait stations around the premises to control the population of rats and mice. Early monitoring of our efforts is showing that the bait is being taken up at a fast rate and we are optimizing placement of the stations and traps in response to our findings. Take a look at our project on, we are now part of the larger community taking a stand to protect our native wildlife.
We see this as part of an environmental journey and it's exciting to keep thinking of new ways to further these aims, which are not only good for us as a business but for the future of the planet.
One of our step on the road to preserve the environment is the installation of two Tesla Car and EV Charging Stations on site. Tesla is a leading innovator in the field of clean transportation. Electric cars have zero emissions and with New Zealand generating so much power using hydro-electric stations, this is a big plus for the environment. Watch this space for signs of the future.