SEEKOM Innovation In Online Marketing Award 2015

Taupo DeBretts Spa Resort claimed the SEEKOM Innovation In Online Marketing Award 2015 for their outstanding social media activity and presence. The Awards Dinner were held during the Holiday Parks Association of New Zealand’s annual conference, attended by 300+HAPNZ members.
Biggest influence this year is our “Taupo DeBretts” Facebook page, with gaining a significant number of new followers from just over 5,000 to over 22,200 within a year.
’We have intentionally focused on this extremely cost-effective and focused way of marketing with great results. This was achieved by using a combination of different campaigns offering existing and new followers the chance to win something of real value, utilising the skills of an existing employee with a flair for communicating in an engaging and friendly way via social media” Park Director Barry Kirkland said.