Welcome to Taupo DeBretts Spa Resort

欢迎光临 陶波 DeBretts温泉度假村  ,一处四季皆宜的休闲娱乐胜地!
从历史悠久珍贵罕有的火山地热矿物温泉 (Taupō DeBrett Hot Springs),到现代化的按摩理疗馆 (Living Waters Spa),再到受消费青睐而屡次获奖的露营基地和住宿中心 (Holiday Park and accommodation),在陶波DeBretts里您不会错过多种独特的新西兰风情!

陶波 DeBretts地理优势,使得住客们既可以欣赏到无敌陶波湖景,又可以远离闹区喧嚣与纷扰;而各个价位的住宿类型,更能解决不同旅客的需求:你可以选择豪华湖景别墅、家庭度假屋、休闲套房、简洁旅舍、单间小栈,亦可直接将车开进房车营地,或者干脆在露营基地支起帐篷,体验一把Kiwi式度假,顺便在我们的赏味咖啡馆(Savour Café)享受Kiwi式早餐或午餐也是不错的选择呢!

来到陶波,便不可错过这里特有的火山地热温泉!Taupō DeBretts向全部旅客开放,提供天然矿物池、热水池和水上娱乐设施,你可以尽情享受可以悠闲绮丽的浸浴氛围。孩子们定会爱上我们的温水水上游乐场和 水滑梯,而按摩理疗服务则会带来正宗的陶波Spa体验,有身体按摩、身体护理和面部护理等项目可选,必能抚走旅途的疲惫,令人身心得到舒缓,重新焕发精神 与活力。陶波DeBretts尊贵的住客可以享受温泉门票和按摩的独家折扣。

120年来,陶波 DeBretts为新西兰乃至全世界人的游客所喜爱,我们一直以此为豪。如令,我们不负胜名,不断焕新,不论是家庭度假,还是朋友相约,或是独自出行,陶波 DeBretts增入的多种住宿类型和休闲设施都能百分百满足你的需求。陶波DeBretts友好亲切的服务团队竭诚欢迎您的到来,住宿、溫泉、按摩一站式服务能够成为您美好的假期记忆。





"Beautiful "
"Beautiful place to stay, everything was perfect. Thanks :) "
Christine S, New Zealand
Monday, 24 June 2024
"Excellent "
"Excellent pools, facilities, services and location! "
Pauline M, New Zealand
Tuesday, 28 May 2024
"Staff awesome!! "
"Staff awesome!! Thank you "
R. Osborne, New Zealand
Friday, 6 October 2023
"Great place to stay "
"Great place to stay "
Sharon M, New Zealand
Tuesday, 6 December 2022
"Great place "
"Great place for families. Cabins were great and pols amazing. "
Leanne S, New Zealand
Wednesday, 28 September 2022
"We loved our stay! "
"Stayed for a spontaneous overnight trip due to attending a tangi nearby. We loved our stay, the unit was perfect and had all we needed. clean facilities and the beds are so comfy too! Thank you for a great stay! "
Dell S, New Zealand
Wednesday, 21 September 2022
From the Blog
Discover winter in Taupo
July 22, 2023
We are halfway through winter and Matariki (Pleiades) has returned to grace our beautiful night sky.
2022 Taupo School Fundraiser deal is out!
April 11, 2022
Are you a student in a local school? You and your family are eligible for Taupo School Fundraiser Annual Family Pool Pass Special!
March 28, 2022
  It has been two long years since our borders closed but we will soon be welcoming visitors back to our beautiful New Zealand.