Taupo DeBretts Showers Go Green... and Blue... and Red!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Showering at Taupo DeBretts this winter is set to become a colourful experience with the installation of LED-lit shower heads and eco-friendly water saving devices.

New water saving devices and LED lights are being installed in the spa resort's chalets, villas and lodges, with upgrades to the other accommodation units to follow.

The lights are powered by the water current and change colour to correspond with the temperature of the water.  They change from green to cold water, to blue for warm water, and red for hot water.

Water saving devices reduce water flow from 14 litres down to eight litres per minute, improving water efficiency while still ensuring guests a comfortable and effective shower.

Taupo DeBretts owner Barry Kirkland says the team is constantly working to introduce more sustainable practices, and it's initiatives such as these that have seen the spa resort awarded the prestigious Qualmark Enviro GOLD Award this month.